Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Kosa kata dan belajar bahasa Inggris (Bagian 6)

kosa kata bahasa Inggris, vocabulary, belajar bahasa InggrisBelajar bahasa Inggris minggu ini cukup simple saja soB, lama sudah tidak posting tentang kosa kata bahasa Inggris (vocabulary).hehe

Kosa kata bahasa Inggris (vocabulary) berikut jumlahnya juga tidak banyak, hanya 2 kalimat saja. Seperti yang saya pahami kalau belajar bahasa Inggris identik juga dengan proses meniru (imitating), menirukan gaya bicara pembicara asing, termasuk juga menurut saya menirukan variasi kosa kata yang digunakan penutur. Saya katakan bervariasi karena antara kalimat dengan artinya cukup berbeda.

Berikut kosa katanya soB :

Who are dealing with = yang mengalami
Contoh : I am sure it will be confusing for them who are dealing with

Turn out to be conclusive = ternyata meragukan
Contoh : I’ve been thinking twice before it turn out to be conclusive

Seperti biasa soB, kalimat-kalimat di atas saya dapatkan dari kegiatan listening di TV. Mungkin jika saya pribadi ingin menerjemahkan kalimat ‘ternyata meragukan’ ke dalam bahasa Inggris, maka yang terpikirkan/terlintas di benak saya (passed in thought) adalah kata ‘fact dan doubt’ dan kalimat bahasa Inggris yang mungkin saya buat adalah ‘in fact it doubts’. Kalimat yang saya buat tersebut menurut saya sih bisa juga menurut aturan tata bahasa Inggris, tapi saya tidak bisa menjamin kebenarannya karena saya bukan penutur asli.hehe.

Nah daripada saya ragu dan tidak ada yang bisa menjamin kebenarannya, ketika saya menjumpai kalimat ‘turn out to be conclusive’yang digunakan oleh penutur asli, entah kenapa saya jadi lebih nyaman saja untuk menggunakannya. hehe. Mungkin inilah yang saya pribadi sering singgung bahwa bahasa Inggris adalah proses meniru. Sedekat mungkin menirukan kosa kata keseharian penutur asli, membuat kosa kata lebih bervariasi dan tentunya membuat bahasa Inggris kita terlihat lebih profesional.

Sekain sobat sharing dan pendapat saya di atas. Jika ada yang kurang tepat atau punya pendapat lain silahkan ditulis di komentar !

36 komentar:

terimakasih untuk infonya gan, ini sangat membantu untuk belajar bahasa inggris :)

caranya biar cepet ngerti bahasa inggris dengan cepat tapi mudah itu gimana ya? saya kalau bahasa inggris malah gak ngerti sama sekali, bisanya cuma menebak-nebak maksud dari arikel yg di baca. :-)

lama2 saya pinter bhs inggris klw belajar di sini. Bisa2 admin blog ini kalah sama saya...hadehh....** maksain belajar inggris nih

@hadi Gimana Mas ya, saya sendiri masih berpikir dan merenung gimana cara yang tepat.hehe

wah hadir dimari sembari belajar bahasa inggris sobat,,,,makasih sudah berbagi

"kosa kata lebih bervariasi", it's cute statement!!! As we add vocabulary by MS word, ha3x, we use thesaurus besides having conversation with French and Singaporean (sometimes) till get love with singlish. Shiok lah.....

Another tricks, using analogy from javanese language-English. Strange idea but I've got benefit from it. Here the sample : melu, melok, melik, milik, muluk - then, real, role, rule, reel, ruler. Don't you see, by saying it - we add vocab and much better try to make sentence to in order get understood the meaning inside message. Nearly same voice but definitely different meaning, thus pronunciation is one of key for having communication .

Sumangga menawi wonten comment dipun rantos, kok.

wah ternyata sulit juga yah, belajar bahasa inggris,

baru pertama kali liat blog belajar bahasa inggris. hehe
salam kenal sob...

pelajaran yang paling saya suka waktu sekolah nih, dibanding MTK hehe :D

sob kalo ada salah di posting saya tolong bantu benerin ya sob bahasanya...

ijij bookmark sob, buat belajar hehe. itung2 sambil blogging sambil belaajr juga :D

wah makin mantap ja ni mas, ilmunya terimakasih sudah berbagi, semoga kedepannnya ane bisa bahasa ini.

Nambah ilmu di sini, makasih pak infonya :D

sementara ini...masih rada binggung mas...
apa karna faktor usia ya...hehe (guyon mas):)

Assalamu'alaikum, selamat pagi mas. berkunjung sambil bawa oleh2, silahkan di ambil yah?

jadi tambah pengetahuan bahasa inggris niy,...
makasih sob tutorialnya....

mau ngalahin google translate ya pak.. hehe. tapi kalo ini bedanya bukan robot, jadi lebih paham dsni :D

[ Gabung yuk ke Direktori Backlink Gratis Berkualitas No.1 Indonesia ]

Bermanfaat sekali kawan, terima kasih sudah berbagi.

bentar lagi mau uan dan pelajaran bhs.inggris saya masih jeblok,gimana biar bsa lulus minimal nilai 8?

sebentar lagi mau uan,dan bhs inggrisku masih masih masih buruk,yg buat sulit tu nentu'in soal ini masuk bab mana dan menjawab pakai rumus mana,mohon dibantu!

@heri pono anggowo Masnya pelajar SMP tau SMA ? Pengalaman dulu waktu saya SMA yang bikin nilai saya jeblok hanya dapat 7,6 karena listeningnya. Pa lagi waktu itu listening masih dalam tahap percobaan buat siswa SMA. Kalau masalah grammar bahasa Inggris saya kira cukup mudah soB.hehe

@mochtar I learn from you very much. I think you can make a blog like me to share your English to others or you may share your phone number to us so that we can make a call for our better English improvement. Learning vocabulary will be useless with no practice. I myself can not guarantee that by only learning vocabulary often times, I will speak English fluently. I choose to feel passionate first about English, think to find out how can I be and be sure that sometimes later will be the way to go beyond. Ashoyyyy Bang Mochtar ..... lol

i want to learn the c0rect english,can y0u teach me?
( bener gak cara nulisya pak?)
I like this blo9

@endah How can I teach you ? by phone or by only learning from this blog. hehe

Uma'ai kadada tahan ulun wan tambahi trip and trick based on my experience. Please respect our progress in learning process and keep on 'cool' whether any difficulties. Vocabulary seems a key in enhancing our capability and ability.

Practice speaking by sing a song, a really a simple trick. Open up youtube, hearing the song and imitate concurrently, and or search lyric by google if we don't know yet the lyrics-sentences.

As you see,it's such high step than reading only, as we would have known the sense and soul of the song even our voice truly contradiction. ha3x..., but we love to do it as it's easiest way than trying to meet expatriates-native speaker and we've lost our voice and passion.

And one thing, love to write in English too even om Hendrik gotta drunk while reading it. By knowing the style in writing, seem friendly and not rigid teacher. ha3x......

@mochtar Waduuuh, I don't know what to say now. You always give much useful speech and force me to be more serious reply your comment. Unfortunately, I can't. Here is my style, always wanna get jokes and take it easy. (ha3x)

No need to be serious as we mixed English and Banjar language. ha3x ....being sphere of influenced....

I'm always make comments coz gotta love with articles. As you see, we love to complaint even to novel author whether finding some mistakes in his novels, especially due Javanese and wayang. Opo tumon(?) Temenan(!) It's mean sure!

If you have time, try to find Hernowo's book. I've gotten drunk due it, truly poisoned but we love too, changing our mindset. So, we use another concept in learning process, and using English just as a tool of communication not a lesson, as it used to be. That's my trick and I've gotten from it.

@mochtar you remind me about what my friend has ever said that learning to use a language, not learning a language and this might also be the reason for our government to start think about using the English language as a second language in our country right after bahasa. You may have your own opinion why it should be ?

I thought we overestimate the position of English, as a lesson - sense of pride, till forget the function as tool of communication. We give information the importance of English but never use it, thus a contradiction. How could we take a step ahead? It seem reflected the inferior sense implicitly.

As we ever worked with expats, they put English as tool of communication only. Therefore they appreciate with our effort to conquer it, even some barrier such as pronounce and dialect style. And, actually they never taught me, that's why we should have adopted their habit and culture. So we do not only learn language but culture too, and it's left behind in our class. he3x...cikgu....

I wanna go to books exhibition looking for wayang novel from Diva press. English just for typing comments in this blog.......

@mochtar Hufft, you may be the lucky boy to say the last sentence. Not for me, just write down everything about English I have, feel proud only with less of practice. Seems to grieve.

What do you think about the chance to use English orally ? coz it's not all of us easily find another person or expats around

Btw, satisfying feedback above.

Wow!!! You don't use term native speaker! That's lovely, coz by saying it will have a bad impact as inferiority sense, as we never be native ones.

Tips : sing a song, by youtube such an easier one. Using headset and we sing it as if a good singer (ha3x). Actually, we try to pronounce as same as the singer, coz we will know the phrase, stressing in which word, sense and practice our soul than or mind. Don't you see - we could sing Japanese song "Subaru" even we don't know what it's mean. It's consequence we've heard it many times.

Practice to speak up while doing something. For instance; by typing the comments we in this blog we try to speak/read up too. Why? We've practiced two thing at the same time, write - speak and pronounce it. No need sparring partner, except we have to set up our mindset that we wanna do it. If there's not supported by the environment, make it in our mind. He3x....too cheap, pals. Unfortunately, my tips still being denied by others. But, I've done it by myself.

And then, try to record it. It would be useful for re-evaluate our pronunciation. We sometimes cheat our working partner by phone it....hello, could I clarify the case ...bla3x..... My friend get shocked as my voice closely to his boss.

Enjoy the process of learning, see Bobby de Porter, Tony Buzan, bu Slim and pak Bill version of Hernowo would give you different approach and reference in learning. I have no reference due English literature as lesson during junior high school simply affected till now.......ha3x.....

Thanks ilmunya nya mantap,...
Saya juga sering mencoba kata-kata bahasa inggris dari lagu,kemudian mencoba mengartikannya dengan kamus..hehehe

Let's harder to learn English ... :)

infonya sangat berguna dan bermanfaat mas salam kenal semoga makin sukses

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