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Sabtu, 23 November 2013

Reading and Writing Comment in Blog

Reading and Writing Comment in Blog - How is your learning process? Do you make any improvement till now? I hope all of you get satisfied by the content of this blog, though it’s not mine. Ha3x. Absolutely right! It’s om Hendrik own and he loves to share. Thus, we share to love, too. I thought - it’s becomes part of mine as we could learn the menu being provided by him. Don’t you see that we try to use any topics in this blog in my sentences now such as pronoun, personal pronoun even passive. Hem... so easy, isn’t it? Okay. Let we discuss about it. Go ahead. Reading the specific article and then make comment would be a valuable thing. What’s that? We have opportunity to learn the grammar and others correlated by. Here below the description :

1.Why should write comment
Writing comment in the blog could be as a response for the owner of the blog or the author. We appreciate the content and wanna try to improve our capability in writing. No need to be ashamed with the types of sentences we’ve made as it’s only second, third, or fourth than our mother tongue. I thought by writing a comment also a joyful moment for the blogger – as the blog would be identified as favorite or may be will get an award in the others day. It sound reliable enough, pals. (plok3x ...sound of clapping hands)

2.Practice and Media
By writing a comment , it’s our time for practicing our knowledge that we’ve had already. Arranging sentences also has a sense. It’s just translated from Bahasa or not. It’s time to prove our capability and skill as we have learned from blog. Besides that, we could choose the sentences style that we like very much. Nothing wrong with it. As we had experience with expatriates that they respected with our effort in communicating with them, even grathul-grathul grammar.’s enjoyable.

3.Expose our opinion
By reading our comments in English, actually we will have sense of pride too. Yeah. I could write sentences in English. Or, it’s my time to prove that we already learn some material in English. In other words, we could review our capability in arranging words. It’s sound nice to be listen or not. I thought we could combine the learning process of writing, reading, speaking then listening concurrently. If you ever go to California Fried Chicken, it’s such as Pak Eko – paket ekonomis.

4. Frame of thinking
Don’t you realize that by writing a comment also an opportunity for us in setting our style. Thus, writing a negative ones should be denied. Why? If we have time in the future and read back our written – may be we will laugh coz our opinion our self. Oh, that’s a weird. How come, I write my comments such like this, and so on. Contribution is a good thing than controvertible only. Giving comment is good thing, but in English – would have a reciprocal advantage. Our skill would be enhanced incrementally.

Even we have some obstacles in learning English, I thought it’s being exposed just one time. No need to mention it many times as it’s only burdened our mindset. Why? We would be able in arranging any argue but deny to take a step ahead. Thus, reduce the negative ones and changes with good one or aim or target or anything else which is support our effort to conquer it.

5.Get benefit
Yes, we get benefit a lot by writing comment in English. By the time, we make communication by comment response by comment, first. Then, we introduce each other and finally have opportunity to compare the learning process being taken by individual. I mean, as a sample me myself.

We love to read the comment for widening our perspective. Coz, we could take the idea which is interesting, in other word it’s our time for comparing, educate and inspired each others. Moreover we could adopt it and even make it as my own, uh... so lovely. Last but not the least, we mix our learning process of reading –> writing and speaking, as its truly influence each other. Does it sound good and easy, don’t you? And, I could contribute coz love to write comment in English and have opportunity in sharing knowledge with the blogger, after all.

Written by Mochtar Bungkus 

Senin, 05 November 2012

Belajar bahasa inggris dan writing

belajar bahasa inggris, grammar bahasa inggris, vocabulary, writing
Writing merupakan salah satu dari empat skill bahasa inggris yang perlu kita kuasai. Mengenai urutan belajar bahasa inggris yang benar, diantara keempat skill tersebut yang mana yang harus pertama kali dipelajari maka menurut para experts, listening menjadi pilihan utama. Melalui kegiatan listening maka kita akan berusaha meniru dan berbicara (speaking), menulis (writing) dan tentu saja membaca (reading).

Mungkin kita berpikir bahwa urutan di atas tidak sesuai dengan proses belajar kita selama ini, karena pada umumnya kita belajar bahasa inggris pertama kali melalui writing atau reading. Ya, seperti yang saya alami juga.he..he..Tapi setelah sekian lama belajar bahasa inggris saya mulai menyadari dan merasakan bahwa urutan belajar di atas memang ada benarnya juga.

Memang dengan memperbanyak kegiatan listening bahasa inggris kita akan lebih cepat berkembang. Ya, walaupun pada awalnya kegiatan listening itu memang saya rasakan paling sulit di antara 3 skill yang lain bahkan sampai sekarangpun masih terasa sulit, hehe…, namun setelah saya coba dan coba ternyata kemampuan speaking saya meningkat juga. Memang konsepnya sangat sederhana : banyak mendengarkan, sering menjumpai frase, kosa kata atau ekspresi-ekspresi yang sama kemudian meniru dengan menggunakannya dalam aktifitas speaking secara langsung ataupun dalam bentuk writing.

Disinilah yang saya rasakan sejak pertama kali belajar bahasa inggris sampai mengenal listening, saya lebih dominan dan percaya diri meniru dan menggunakan apa yang saya dapat dengan kegiatan writing terlebih dahulu dari pada berbicara secara langsung (speaking). Dengan writing kita lebih leluasa untuk mengotak-atik dan memilih kata yang tepat, penggunaan grammar bahasa inggris sampai menemukan susunan kalimat yang pas.

Dengan terbiasa dalam writing dan menyusun kalimat secara tepat serta beberapa uji coba yang mungkin kita lakukan semisal mempublikasikan tulisan bahasa inggris kita di internet melalui e-zine ataupun blog maka secara tidak langsung kitapun akan lebih percaya diri dan lidahpun akan terasa lebih lues berspeaking. Hal ini tidak lepas dari pengaruh kegiatan writing yang sudah biasa dilakukan.

Writing secara tidak langsung merupakan kegiatan memorizing (menghafal) karena dalam kegiatan writing itu sendiri kita akan banyak mengulang-ulang bentuk dan kosa kata yang sama. Itu mengapa sering saya singgung bahwa writing menjadi dasar yang baik bagi speaking.

That’s all, soB.

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