Kamis, 14 November 2013

Passive Voice dan Contoh Kalimatnya dalam Bahasa Inggris

passive voice,contoh kalimat passive voice,stative passive
Passive voice atau dalam bahasa Indonesia biasa kita sebut sebagai kalimat pasif merupakan kalimat yang objeknya dikenai pekerjaan. Dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, kepiawaian dalam menggunakan jenis kalimat ini sangat diperlukan dalam menyusun kalimat bahasa Inggris.

Menurut saya pribadi, cara yang paling mudah sekaligus mungkin berat bagi Anda (ha3x) untuk menguasai penggunaan passive voice adalah dengan menguasai (hafal) rumus dari 17 tenses bahasa Inggris yang ada. Namun disini saya hanya akan memberikan contoh kalimat passive voice pada 9 tenses saja, sisanya jarang sekali digunakan.

Catatan :
# Kalimat pasif objeknya ditaruh di depan. Kalimat jenis ini juga harus transitif (mempunyai objek langsung)
# Rumus dasar kalimat pasif yaitu
Be + past participle (Verb-3)
Jika memiliki modal, maka rumus dasarnya :
Modal + be + past participle (Verb-3)
Modal : will, would, can, could, must, should, dll.
# Jika tensesnya progressive maka ‘Be’ yang digunakan berbentuk-ing ‘Being’. Jika perfect maka menggunakan ‘Been’
# Amatilah baik-baik tabel di bawah, perhatikan perubahan dari kalimat aktif ke kalimat pasif. Dimana kalimat aktif di bawah menggambarkan juga rumus dasar dari setiap tenses.

Tenses Kalimat aktif Kalimat pasif
Simple present Anto eats an apple An apple is eaten by Anto
Present progressive Anto is eating an apple An apple is being eaten by Anto
Present perfect Anto has eaten an apple An apple has been eaten by anto
Simple past Anto ate an apple An apple was eaten by Anto
Past progressive Anto was eating an apple An apple was being eaten by Anto
Past perfect Anto had eaten an apple An apple had been eaten by Anto
Simple future Anto will eat an apple An apple will be eaten by Anto
Be going to Anto is going to eat an apple An apple is going to be eaten by Anto
Future perfect Anto will have eaten an apple An apple will have been eaten by Anto

Perhatikan contoh berikut jika kalimat aktifnya mempunyai objek langsung dan objek tidak langsung :
Kalimat aktif :
Anto gave the pencil to Dina (objek langsung : the pencil, objek tidak langsung : Dina)
Kalimat pasif :
The pencil was given to Dina, atau
Dina was given the pencil

Dua-duanya baik itu objek langsung ataupun tidak langsung bisa menjadi subjek. Perhatikan juga jika objek langsung menjadi subjek maka objek tidak langsung didahului preposisi.

Passive voice dalam bentuk stative :
Active : The thief broke the car (Pencuri merusak mobil itu)
Pasif : The car was broken by the thief (Mobil itu dirusak oleh pencuri)
Pasif stative : The car was broken (Mobil itu rusak)

Intinya pasif stative hanya merupakan sebuah pernyataan, tidak ada tindakan oleh pelaku, dan berfungsi sebagai adjective. Hal ini ditandai dengan tidak adanya frase “by ....(Pelaku)”

Contoh penggunaan bentuk passive voice pada ‘to infinitive’

To be loved is a great desire of every person (sebagai subjek)
(Dicintai adalah keinginan besar bagi setiap orang)

The wall needs to be painted (sebagai objek)
(Temboknya perlu dicat)

That is the wood to be cut down (to be cut down menjelaskan kata benda ‘wood’)
(Itu kayu yang harus dipotong)

Contoh penggunaan bentuk pasif pada ‘gerund (verb-ing)’

Being eaten by other animals is a natural selection (sebagai subjek)
(dimakan oleh binatang lain adalah sebuah proses alam)

My grandma rejected being bought a car (sebagai objek)
(Nenekku menolak dibelikan sebuah mobil)

I was frustated of being defeated last night (objek preposisi ‘of’)
(Saya frustasi dikalahkan tadi malam)

Perhatikan juga bahwa khusus untuk kata kerja ‘need’ dan ‘want’ jika diikuti oleh gerund maka bermakna pasif juga .

Saya ambil contoh di atas :
The wall needs painting = The wall needs to be painted

He wants burning = He wants to be burned

Sekian soBat. Semoga tidak membingungkan penjelasannya. hehe

28 komentar:

Kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Indonesia umumnya kata kerjanya berawalan 'di'. Dalam bahasa Inggris, sepertinya ditandai dengan verb 3 ya, pak...

aida visits me yesterday,
I'm visited by aida yesterday,,,wkwkwk

Ha3x...I can believe it that you already prepared above material so quickly or such as coincident that the topic has similarity with my question before. I'm lazy enough looking for sparing partner in enhancing my capability but being taught by this blog make me smile wider and wider........ha3x...
I thought as my appreciation to you, I have to provide another topic which is closely to your blog but not the same. Yeah, I have been influenced by you. What's that? I just took the idea or opinion from you, comments and we tried to digest it as my own. He3x...have you heard de Bono, Toni Buzan, pals. Such a naughty boy, we make theirs as mine.
Lastly, little bit wonder, why not much comments in English. It's writing time, and I thought the blogger would be appreciated though the material in Bahasa, didn't you?

@ Mochtar Compiling this article is not as quick as you guessed, It was about 4 days ago (little bit AMNESIA, hope not, (ha3x) when you made some comments in my blog. I began thinking much more tricky, why not compose an article about Passive Voice like you suggested. I made yours as mine (ha3x).

Not only you got laziness of finding that, me too. We are leaving in a deep hole far away from English basis. Seemed to be heartbreaking but that was the fact in me. My English has been like a baby with low of breast milk, not growing up, even more, closely die (ha3x)

Btw, if you want to contribute your topic again to my blog, why not. But I suggest you to make a friendly SEO articles, I mean not only friendly for users but google as well so as to get more traffic in a short time. I do this coz I've seen on the statistic of each post in my dashboard, your article seems to get not much traffic than other articles. Your tittle and post must contain some keyword that you are targeted. You may identify my own with bold and colorized words.

Be quickly edited and send them as usual. Happy browsing..hehe

@ Uda Bener sekali Pak. Terima kasih atas kunjungannya

Saya memang sangat kacau dalam bahasa Inggris sobat, Tapi saya senang sekali belajar disini walaupun tidak pernah bisa tapi terus mencoba. Yang penting semangat belajar tetap jalan terus apalagi di Blog kesayangan ini.
Pokoknya mantap dan salam sukses selalu sobat
terima kasih ilmunya

Great article with perfect information and easy to learn my dear friend, thank you so much for sharing. Best regards.

@ ByPhotoworks You are welcome, pals. Thanks for dropping by

bisa karena biasa. saya sedikit bisa ber bhs inggris gara gara game online. hehe. thx 4share bro.

@Hendrik, ha3x paragraph 2 not untouchable enough, but in javanese -> cilik item dekil, nggrik-nggriken, cacingen, umbelen, korengen, bladus,meh-meh pamitan wae..........kadosipun langkung joss n-describe-ipun.....

That's too bad that I never know SEO, but when I see your blog address nearly same with graphic. I do agree with your advise, pals. Besides that, we try to use the topic being listed as part of my sentences/comment, such as passive , thus we used directly, not only as lesson. Hem...too tricky I thought but that's what I mean. We have different point of view though same case.

Lastly, I love to re-read my comments for reviewing my sentences, any mistakes there or re-ask how could I write like this. he3x... And of course we learn from another comments too, something hidden in it or....heemm...reflection of framework of thinking. Whether interesting enough......nice to steal it too....ha3x.....
...pamit rumiyin nggih, jawahipun teng mriki deres sanget kala wau.....

Posting bermanfaat sobat, terimaksih penjelasannya

ngingetin ketika saya masih di smp / sma dulu gan, kalo ngak diulang2 bisa lupa nih strukturnya..

good info for yr article...maybe I should yr post to be as a references....greeting.

Banyak belajar bahasa inggris dari blog ini
terima kasih postingannya mas

singgah di hari minggu yang ceria...

Penjelasan dan pemberian contoh yg sgt gamblang.. :)
Thx ya mas... Hen :)

Reading all examples reminds me to passive -active and stative- easier.
Thanks, Mas!

Numpang belajar bahasa inddris disini pak guru
ilmunya sangat berguna sekali pak
terima kasih

Belajar bahasa Inggris itu memang mengasyikan.
Makasih infonya dan salam kenal sekalian mengundang untuk submit url blog bagusnya ke direktori blog terbaru.
Salam sukses

blog yg isix bermanfaat sekali pak.., klo gk salah ini kunjungan pertama sy.., salam *smile

Kembali hadir..sambil menimba ilmu di sini mas Hen :)

@om Hendrik, we already send an article, and please check it's friendly enough for SEO or not yet. As we just making blue color.
Would you mind making my article as a topic in your class? We really need comments from them, said to them that their comments would be appreciated. The trick, reading my articles as they try to speak up in English, as their own. They can practiced by making stressing in the word, intonation, rhythm as necessary enough. Enjoy to learn with different technique. Ups, I wanna know their opinion due someone who works with expatriates/native speaker/bule.....in order my next article more accurate and credible. he3x
Lastly, it seems gotta love in this blog, as we could contribute and explore my capability in writing.
....Bojonegoro nduwe Kalitidu
wis tak kirimno mugo kena kanggo sangu....

wah, saya klo baca bahasa inggris pusing mas.. Ga ngerti.. Hehe..

Tpi saya harus banyak belar nih di blog ini.. Agar saya paham tentang bahasa inggris.. :-)

trimakasih mas..

Pingin buat posting pake bhs inggris kapan2...
makanya mau beljr sama,mas,hendrik :)

hadir untuk belajar bahasa inggris disini gan

Mantap sekali sobat, saya sangat senang bisa belajar disini jadi tambah pengetahuan soal bahasa inggris
terima kasih sudah berbagi

dapat ilmu lagi, kalimat aktif dan passive... mantap...

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