Senin, 29 April 2013

Belajar Mengucapkan ‘Tidak Lagi’ dengan Bahasa Inggris

Hallo soBat semua baik yang lagi blogging, browsing, atau lagi belajar bahasa Inggris. Apa kabar ? semoga sehat selalu. Amin..

Belajar bahasa Inggris kali ini, kita sama-sama belajar bagaimana kalau ingin mengucapkan kalimat ‘tidak lagi’ dalam bahasa Inggris. Not again ? not anymore ? or anyway ? hehe

Jka kalimat ‘not anymore (tidak lagi)’ diucapkan sebagai kalimat tunggal boleh saja

John : don’t you go to the night club ?
Sam : not anymore

Bagaimana jika kita ingin mengucapkan kalimat berikut dalam bahasa Inggris ?

‘Kita tidak lagi punya sesuatu untuk dimakan’

Seperti yang kita tahu bahwa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris ada banyak sekali pilihan kata (word choice) yang bisa digunakan. Salah satunya disini yaitu frase ‘no longer’ yang juga mempunyai arti ‘tidak lagi ’.

Frase ‘no longer’ disini berfungsi sebagai adverb (keterangan) dan dalam kalimat bisa diletakkan sebelum atau sesudah kata kerja (verb)

Contoh :
We no longer have something to eat (Kita tidak lagi punya sesuatu untuk dimakan), atau
We have no longer something to eat,
*We don’t have something to eat again (benar juga),
We haven’t got something to eat anymore (benar juga). Lihat artikel disini

She will no longer be able to say Hello to you (Dia tidak akan lagi dapat menyapamu), atau
*She will not be able to say Hello to you again (benar juga)

*Catatan :
Sebaiknya jangan menggunakan ‘no longer’ jika anda menggunakan kata kerja bantu negative (Negative auxiliary verb)

Sekian soBat. Itu menurut versi saya ? Bagaimana menurut versi soBat ? kalau ada yang lain, silahkan dishare di halaman komentar !

58 komentar:

menurut versi saya persis seperti apa kata mas Hendrik. cocok banget dan pas. :)

@Indah P Thanks, Ndah. Apa kata dunia ? :D

Terima kasih sob, menambah ilmu bahasa inggris disini.

@Becak Mini Terima kasih juga kawan sudah menyempatkan mampir

I'm sorry I was late for listening to your lessons.....mas :)

menurut versi saya info ini sangat bermanfaat gan untuk menambah pengetahuan saya yang sampe sekarang belom juga bisa berbahasa inggris. terimakasih udah disajikan artikel hingga sedemikian rupa gan, sangat membantu saya untuk lebih mengerti (walopun cuma sedikit paham) semoga bangun tidur besok gak lupa lagi :D

@budi os 19 It doesn't really much matter, Mas. I am sure you were so busy. Thank you for d visit :D

@Faceblog Evolutions Biar gak lupa minum Cerebrovit Mas. hehe


artikel yang bagus, Mas Admin, gimana kalo bikin kata-kata singkat dalam bahasa inggris untuk kalimat yang sering buat blogwalking, abis kalo ketemu blog berbahasa inggris, saya bingung nulis nya hehehe, seperti template gitu..

Wahh thanks ilmunya, sepertinya boleh juga belajar bhs. Inggris di blog ini???

@eben3dimpressions Ide yang bagus juga Mas. Terima kasih atas sarannya.hehe

Bahasa Inggris saya katrok, Pak. :D

Alhamdulillah tambah lagi nih pengetahuan bhs Inggrisku, thanks 4 share mas Hendrik, sukses selalu.

@Rozi yang penting orangnya gak katrok, Mas. hahay

@ByPhotoworks You are welcome, Mas Bro. Wish you luck too :D

Thank You verry much Mr. hendrik.
Have a nice day,
Warm regard

Boku no Blog

@Boku no Blog I like the way you are commenting me here. My best regard to your family at home. Nice to greet you right here :D

I don't hear anymore back-sound music in this blog...........which's more energetic (ha3...x)

@mochtar Someone complained me and asked to turn it off coz disturbs him while learning in this blog

hax......coz can't stand to move our feet and lost the too.....
gotta love that you always giving new topic and we're happily to make comment for accelerating my capability in writing

@mochtar Well, a good idea came out right here recently and I guarantee it takes you to the smoothest way in accelerating your writing capability. What if you write some unique articles related to the English matter for my blog and I'll be awesome to say thank you. (ha3x)

Let me know your mail. Actually we wanna duplicate my technique in learning process, but it's too simple till denied by anyone. Coz, truly strange than lesson in school and course. ha3x....but we've got the benefit from it.

@mochtar Okay, here is my mail :

The simple one but strong in quality. That's what people like and want to. Be honest, I like the strange person like you. (ha3x)

I thought you should use word 'curios', pals. Wish my article easy to be understood, after all.

@mochtar I haven't checked my mail yet. I am really curious about you. (ha3x). Thanks at last

good blog for me because saya mau belajar english lagi

Selalu hadir disini buat terus belajar

Om Hendrik, please see your email as we need your comment first. We do not make any response as it's being posted by you. We'll post an argue after having sign and permission from you.

na3x...may be by another article to cover it....

Wow, you make my heart bit so hard. What is it ? Just write down right here in the comment page. This will be moderated first. I will learn from you.

Ups...your statement remind me song of Celine, where does my heart beat now, not bit, lah. Just kidding, pals.

According to my article, quick way 4 learning English, some response such as should I obey the grammatical rule, what for learning psychological approach, nice coz bilingual posting.

I do not want to make comment directly as it's not polite enough, except you invite me to get involved it though it's mine. But I thought, there another solution that I have to make another article for coverage this case. (ha3x happily to join in this blog, but so sorry that you have to make translation in order gotta know by your fans blogging).

Adhere to my learning process, we do not strictly based on English reference but another discipline too. The reason I have no background due it. I choose the easier ones. I have read multiple intelligence, learning style, ha3x, I fond of Bobby de Porter books besides meet up directly with 'bule' as we worked with them. That's all my tricks and steps for improving my English, little bit strange. It's really real. I use term in quantum learning, "what's my benefit for me". And, it's already done. As we wanna to share, we explain about it, but it seem out of the box. Ha3x.. little bit naughty boy, I'm!!

After all, I do appreciate with your effort to share your knowledge and I'm happier too coz take a part in it, just a slice. As you see, when I see a boy with big glasses in blue holding a book, make me laugh coz love with it though I do not know why.

Just a bit mistake. That's my argue.xixixi. That was definitely the difference between you and me. I've learnt from my teacher and books whereas you've learnt from the experience. Hufftt, I look so weird in front of you, not in front of PC screen. hah.

Getting curious with you. Don't leave any comments here again. I am angry. Don't you know if I get angry, I'll grab everything in front of me to break it down. That's you might be ????? huahaha.


Not mistake, but mis-perception, as it sound better. Thus, better make connection due my gmail address in order chatting ev'day, pals. (ha3x)

As you see, my friend who have discipline in this language get mad too, due my technique. How come you speak like that? Let me know your trick. What a pity you are, break the pattern we've known before. No grammar, really? Please, we wanna talkative with bule....and so on.

Actually, I could see by looking the eyes that someone trying to arrange the sentences while making conversation with me. You know why, their eyes looking for somewhere though we stand up close to them. Thus, we try to remind it, please speak up directly, in order get the sense of the sentences. Pressing the specific word due phrase than each word not necessarily as it make blurred the message.

Last but not the least, we found someone who wanted to learn with me get angry too. ha3x. But, he loved it and needed to know the reason. After meeting three times, he just realized that we learn about mindset not only language. It's useful for him as he could learn without my participation.

Om Hendrik, kadosipun sampun cekap nggih balesanipun. Nuwun sewu bilih radi nganyel-nganyelin suraosipun serat menika. Kula kinten panjenengan gadah samudra pangaksami ingkang jembaaaaa.....rrrrrr, sak jembaripun blog niki. Kula taksih kemutan kalih guneman jawi bilih ngelmu menika kanti laku, nah kula saderma anglampahi, lho. Rebat cekap, alinea ingkang pungkasan mboten sisah dipun translate, nggih. gedubraxxxx....

I just wonder how can we speak English much fluently thus we only learn English only in a part time, not really often time. I could be very excited in giving response upon the comments written in English right here. It may look so easy and skyrocketing my capability in writing the English language. Yet, everything could be changed when I have to speak up English face to face with 'bule' or could be you, tolah-toleh,looking for the right words and ideas what to say, not looking for where is my face ? ha3x.

Though we always practice our English in some ways such as writing, listening to music, giving comments in English or anyway the best and already been satisfied with it, one thing is sure for me and of course will make me huge satisfied if I can practice my English everytime orally face to face with 'Bule' like what you did. Just take a look at how can people do that, me too.

Meniko, dalem mboten nate ngraos....meniko...hah, susah Mas Mochtar pakek bahasa Jawanya, padahal orang Jawa. (ha3x). Nice talk with you..

I love with the latest paragraph!!! Let me show up my process in learning English. I learned with Korean. (hah!!! amit2 jabang bayi, impossible tenan) It's real when we made "siraman" with Bataks ganks, I thought he felt disturbing coz our activity. Thus, I came to his dormitory and explained what it's mean. (eh, justru ngasih pe-er nyari orang Batak)

Finally we became friends and we love to debate while pronouncing quickly. I thought Indonesian better than him, as he never good in it. It's being said "kyu ke li" not "kuik li". ha3x Finally, we became chuan chingui (I'm not sure the correct one).

Ups, we had Pinoy working partner too, and we loved to hear while they made conversation in Tagalog. Such as : kumustaka, salamat2x. We learn that they feel okay mixing the language between English and Tagalog. Why don't we try it? Even mixing English with Javanese as we do.

Pals, could I send another article again, please........ Tiba'e njenengan nggih seneng mbanyol, tho. Lha, suddenly ujug-ujug bisa ngguyu kemekelan maca ng-emal balesan. En, kayanya njur mbajul kesupen sama isi balesan saya. hua...... ha3x

Very interisting my friend, learn english step by step, now learn about not anymore, no longer, not again etc, thanks for sharing :)

Thanks for d visit. I like the way you were commenting me right here so far. We love to learn together. :D

terimakasih banyak mas sudah berbagi ilmu pada kami. sukses selalu

mampir lagi belajar bahasa inggris. mumpung gratis........

Silahkan Om. Terima kasih atas kunjungannya

Berkunjung lagi mas bro... belajar lagi mengasah ketrampilan berbahasa Inggris, di sini tempatnya... in here kawan
please visit in link

Alhamdulillah mas hendrik, infonya sangat bermanfaat...

menarik untuk di pelajari nih sob thanks ilmu nya..

Nice for sharing sobat...
Insya Allah bermanfaat buat kami semua....

maksudnya 'Sebaiknya jangan menggunakan ‘no longer’ jika anda menggunakan kata kerja bantu negative (Negative auxiliary verb)' itu bagaimana ? kurang nangkep, hehe ...
thanks before

"Not again" kayaknya lebih fasih di lidah untuk mengatakan "tidak lagi". Mungkin tergantung kebiasaan juga ya, pak?

met mlm juga pak.. aku hadir juga lho hehehe

wah nice blog mbak....
Salam kenal...

Bahasa inggris itu perlu kita pelajari agar bisa bersaing dengan orang luar sana...

Ndak juga sih mas Hen...hehe :)
Sip mas..senang rasanya bisa hadir di sini :)

kunjunga pagi sambil nyimak

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