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Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013

Some Barriers In Learning English Process

belajar bahasa inggris,proses belajar bahasa inggris,tantangan dalam proses belajar bahasa inggris
Have you read my previous articles? The title is QUICK WAY 4 LEARNING ENGLISH, issued on May 2013. It’s better while you read it, first, coz it’s really simple tips. Yeah, we had done it before. Yup, we had to learn English by myself as the consequence we’d worked with expatriates. As you see, they would thought that we could do as the did. Therefore we tried to find any trick and tips to conquer our weakness. If I could do means that you can do it too, though with your own way.

Don’t you realize that English is foreign language, truly different with bahasa. Bahasa means Bahasa Indonesia. My expatriates partner love to say “Bahasa” than Bahasa Indonesia. Their tongue different with us. So, please do not complaint due that case . hehe

OK. Right now we will share about our lacknes/barrier/difficulties in learning English process. I try to clasify in each item as listed below. But if you have another, you can add it. As you wanna do, lah.

Fistly, English as lingus franca and international language. In this case, you have to aware with yours. If you want to learn this language must be known the reason. For instance due homework in you school, course and other reason. Have you learn it coz being suggested by your parents? It’s obligation from your school or anything else. The strong reason for learning English will contribute in our learning process.Why? Eventhough facing a mistakes we still keep on going as we always remind the reason. The cute statement such as – start in the end, always remind me to be better and better.

2.Nobody’s perfect
Usually, we thought that we will learn English with British accent or American style. But, finally all we can do is proving with our own style. Yes, Indonesian style or may be javanese style. There’s no mistakes in it. As we knew, that Singapore people has Singlish and Philipine with Tagalog sense. Luckily, we ever worked with them, thus we’ve got a real sample in practise. But most of us will surender after facing a bad case such as – having bad pronounciation, misperception. Thus, never give up!

If you ever made mistakes in speaking or writing......just laugh it. Why? It’s reduce our guilty feeling. But if we wanna better and better must be followed up with practicing.

3.Finding mistakes
The easiest way to find mistakes – make a clip then review yourself. What kind of mistakes you have made? Yeah, we would feel ashamed or sad while blamed by another , coz our mistakes. But I think we could laugh as we find our mistake by ourselves. Then, we can say....such as......that’s too bad I’m relly really bad in this case or ..... I think I still stupid and so rigid. We could laugh but feeling fun and funny.

4.Finding vocabulary
How to add our vocabulary? There’re many tips such as open dictionary, read and remind vocabulary and so on. But by reminding vocab only – we will face difficulties in how to use it. We have tips such as finding nearly same sound – sound, sun, shine, soon, so on etc. By pronouncing these word one by one, we could clarify the differences an then trying to make sentences consist each that word. It’s realy cool.

This technique has similarity with javanese sound, wanna see : melok, malik, milik, muluk and others. No need to translate it (hehe) and wish you find the meaning.

Another trick. Type the word we want to know the meaning and then block, click the right icon of mouse – then choose thesaurus. Thus we could use word which has similarity meaning concurenty in order not too rigid.

5.Repeat & again to repeat
Experience is good teacher. Even you have understood the tenses, without practise is nonsense. Moreover have no experience in speaking with bule/native speaker/expatriates. We ever read some comment due difficulties in speaking with bule, even my friend who has background in language literature. But I do love never love to say our barrier coz we will good at in finding reason for not doing to do a step in learning process.
After reading this article, please re-charge the reason of learning English.

Artikel ini ditulis oleh sahabat saya, Mr. Mochtar Bungkus.
Maaf saya tidak bisa mentranslate artikel ini seperti kemarin karena alasan hak cipta. Jadi bagi sobat sekalian yang masih sulit membaca dan memahami artikel ini dalam bahasa Inggris, silahkan disiapkan translator disampingnya sekaligus sebagai bahan pembelajaran yang saya kira sangat bermanfaat juga.

Senin, 14 Oktober 2013

Membedakan kata sifat dan keterangan dalam bahasa Inggris

kata sifat dalam bahasa inggris,kata keterangan dalam bahasa inggris,adjective,adverb
Kata sifat dalam bahasa Inggris terkadang memang sulit dibedakan dengan kata keterangan. Hal ini dikarenakan memang ada beberapa adjective yang sekaligus juga digunakan sebagai adverb dalam kalimat. Contoh kata tersebut adalah kata ‘fast, bad,hard’ dan masih banyak lagi. Perhatikanlah contoh berikut ini dengan menggunakan kata ‘bad’:

The bad man was in jail with no light (Laki-laki buruk itu kemarin di dalam penjara tanpa lampu)
He spoke bad to his friend afterward (Kemudian dia berbicara buruk (mengatai) temannya)

Menurut anda mana di antara kedua contoh kalimat di atas yang merupakan adjective dan mana yang keterangan ?

Kata keterangan (adverb) dalam bahasa Inggris biasanya dikenali dengan akhiran ‘ly’ pada kata yang dilekati. Memang benar seperti itu salah satu cirinya. Namun ada beberapa kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang berakhiran ‘ly’ namun bisa digunakan sebagai adjective juga. Contohnya seperti kata ‘surely, early’ dll. Perhatikan contoh berikut !

The early lion catches the deer (Singa pertama yang menangkap rusa)
You should come early in the morning (Kamu sebaiknya datang lebih awal)

Mana kata ‘early’yang merupakan kata sifat dan mana kata keterangan ? kalimat 1 atau kalimat ke-2 ? hehe

Nah, jangan bingung dulu soB, begini cara membedakannya. Perlu diingat-ingat ya soB !!! hehe

Kata sifat dalam bahasa Inggris selalu menerangkan noun atau pronoun baik itu dalam bentuk kata tunggal, frase ataupun klausa adjective sedangkan kata keterangan (adverb) menerangkan selain noun atau pronoun, dalam hal ini menerangkan kata kerja (verb), adjective atau adverb yang lain.

Nah, pada contoh kalimat-kalimat di atas kata ‘bad’ dan ‘early’ pada kalimat pertama merupakan adjective karena menerangkan kata benda ‘man’ dan ‘lion’. Sedangkan pada kalimat kedua merupakan adverb karena menerangkan kata kerja ‘spoke’ dan ‘come’. Perhatikan juga contoh kalimat berikut !

The car in the main garage is the most luxurious than four of others.
Frase ‘in the main garage’ merupakan adjective juga yang kemudian disebut sebagai adjective phrase. Adjective phrase ini menjelaskan noun berupa ‘car’. Ajective phrase dibentuk dengan menggabungkan preposisi (kata depan) dengan noun dan penjelasnya.

The pencil that is on the table is mine
Klausa ‘that is on the table’ merupakan kata sifat yang kemudian disebut sebagai adjective clause dimana menjelaskan noun ‘pencil’. Perlu diingat bahwa klausa merupakan kalimat yang minimal memiliki subject dan kata kerja. Jadi kalimat di atas asalnya terdiri dari dua kalimat berikut :

1) The pencil is mine (klausa utama)
2) The pencil is on the table (klausa penjelas)

Nah, penggabungan kedua kalimat di atas bisa menggunakan kata ganti relatif (relative pronoun) seperti ‘who, that, atau which’. ‘who’ menggantikan hanya orang, ‘which’ menggantikan hanya benda, sedangkan ‘that’ bisa menggantikan orang atau benda.

Sekian soB, Nyok...

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