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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Sabtu, 23 November 2013

Reading and Writing Comment in Blog

Reading and Writing Comment in Blog - How is your learning process? Do you make any improvement till now? I hope all of you get satisfied by the content of this blog, though it’s not mine. Ha3x. Absolutely right! It’s om Hendrik own and he loves to share. Thus, we share to love, too. I thought - it’s becomes part of mine as we could learn the menu being provided by him. Don’t you see that we try to use any topics in this blog in my sentences now such as pronoun, personal pronoun even passive. Hem... so easy, isn’t it? Okay. Let we discuss about it. Go ahead. Reading the specific article and then make comment would be a valuable thing. What’s that? We have opportunity to learn the grammar and others correlated by. Here below the description :

1.Why should write comment
Writing comment in the blog could be as a response for the owner of the blog or the author. We appreciate the content and wanna try to improve our capability in writing. No need to be ashamed with the types of sentences we’ve made as it’s only second, third, or fourth than our mother tongue. I thought by writing a comment also a joyful moment for the blogger – as the blog would be identified as favorite or may be will get an award in the others day. It sound reliable enough, pals. (plok3x ...sound of clapping hands)

2.Practice and Media
By writing a comment , it’s our time for practicing our knowledge that we’ve had already. Arranging sentences also has a sense. It’s just translated from Bahasa or not. It’s time to prove our capability and skill as we have learned from blog. Besides that, we could choose the sentences style that we like very much. Nothing wrong with it. As we had experience with expatriates that they respected with our effort in communicating with them, even grathul-grathul grammar.’s enjoyable.

3.Expose our opinion
By reading our comments in English, actually we will have sense of pride too. Yeah. I could write sentences in English. Or, it’s my time to prove that we already learn some material in English. In other words, we could review our capability in arranging words. It’s sound nice to be listen or not. I thought we could combine the learning process of writing, reading, speaking then listening concurrently. If you ever go to California Fried Chicken, it’s such as Pak Eko – paket ekonomis.

4. Frame of thinking
Don’t you realize that by writing a comment also an opportunity for us in setting our style. Thus, writing a negative ones should be denied. Why? If we have time in the future and read back our written – may be we will laugh coz our opinion our self. Oh, that’s a weird. How come, I write my comments such like this, and so on. Contribution is a good thing than controvertible only. Giving comment is good thing, but in English – would have a reciprocal advantage. Our skill would be enhanced incrementally.

Even we have some obstacles in learning English, I thought it’s being exposed just one time. No need to mention it many times as it’s only burdened our mindset. Why? We would be able in arranging any argue but deny to take a step ahead. Thus, reduce the negative ones and changes with good one or aim or target or anything else which is support our effort to conquer it.

5.Get benefit
Yes, we get benefit a lot by writing comment in English. By the time, we make communication by comment response by comment, first. Then, we introduce each other and finally have opportunity to compare the learning process being taken by individual. I mean, as a sample me myself.

We love to read the comment for widening our perspective. Coz, we could take the idea which is interesting, in other word it’s our time for comparing, educate and inspired each others. Moreover we could adopt it and even make it as my own, uh... so lovely. Last but not the least, we mix our learning process of reading –> writing and speaking, as its truly influence each other. Does it sound good and easy, don’t you? And, I could contribute coz love to write comment in English and have opportunity in sharing knowledge with the blogger, after all.

Written by Mochtar Bungkus 

Kamis, 14 November 2013

Passive Voice dan Contoh Kalimatnya dalam Bahasa Inggris

passive voice,contoh kalimat passive voice,stative passive
Passive voice atau dalam bahasa Indonesia biasa kita sebut sebagai kalimat pasif merupakan kalimat yang objeknya dikenai pekerjaan. Dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, kepiawaian dalam menggunakan jenis kalimat ini sangat diperlukan dalam menyusun kalimat bahasa Inggris.

Menurut saya pribadi, cara yang paling mudah sekaligus mungkin berat bagi Anda (ha3x) untuk menguasai penggunaan passive voice adalah dengan menguasai (hafal) rumus dari 17 tenses bahasa Inggris yang ada. Namun disini saya hanya akan memberikan contoh kalimat passive voice pada 9 tenses saja, sisanya jarang sekali digunakan.

Catatan :
# Kalimat pasif objeknya ditaruh di depan. Kalimat jenis ini juga harus transitif (mempunyai objek langsung)
# Rumus dasar kalimat pasif yaitu
Be + past participle (Verb-3)
Jika memiliki modal, maka rumus dasarnya :
Modal + be + past participle (Verb-3)
Modal : will, would, can, could, must, should, dll.
# Jika tensesnya progressive maka ‘Be’ yang digunakan berbentuk-ing ‘Being’. Jika perfect maka menggunakan ‘Been’
# Amatilah baik-baik tabel di bawah, perhatikan perubahan dari kalimat aktif ke kalimat pasif. Dimana kalimat aktif di bawah menggambarkan juga rumus dasar dari setiap tenses.

Tenses Kalimat aktif Kalimat pasif
Simple present Anto eats an apple An apple is eaten by Anto
Present progressive Anto is eating an apple An apple is being eaten by Anto
Present perfect Anto has eaten an apple An apple has been eaten by anto
Simple past Anto ate an apple An apple was eaten by Anto
Past progressive Anto was eating an apple An apple was being eaten by Anto
Past perfect Anto had eaten an apple An apple had been eaten by Anto
Simple future Anto will eat an apple An apple will be eaten by Anto
Be going to Anto is going to eat an apple An apple is going to be eaten by Anto
Future perfect Anto will have eaten an apple An apple will have been eaten by Anto

Perhatikan contoh berikut jika kalimat aktifnya mempunyai objek langsung dan objek tidak langsung :
Kalimat aktif :
Anto gave the pencil to Dina (objek langsung : the pencil, objek tidak langsung : Dina)
Kalimat pasif :
The pencil was given to Dina, atau
Dina was given the pencil

Dua-duanya baik itu objek langsung ataupun tidak langsung bisa menjadi subjek. Perhatikan juga jika objek langsung menjadi subjek maka objek tidak langsung didahului preposisi.

Passive voice dalam bentuk stative :
Active : The thief broke the car (Pencuri merusak mobil itu)
Pasif : The car was broken by the thief (Mobil itu dirusak oleh pencuri)
Pasif stative : The car was broken (Mobil itu rusak)

Intinya pasif stative hanya merupakan sebuah pernyataan, tidak ada tindakan oleh pelaku, dan berfungsi sebagai adjective. Hal ini ditandai dengan tidak adanya frase “by ....(Pelaku)”

Contoh penggunaan bentuk passive voice pada ‘to infinitive’

To be loved is a great desire of every person (sebagai subjek)
(Dicintai adalah keinginan besar bagi setiap orang)

The wall needs to be painted (sebagai objek)
(Temboknya perlu dicat)

That is the wood to be cut down (to be cut down menjelaskan kata benda ‘wood’)
(Itu kayu yang harus dipotong)

Contoh penggunaan bentuk pasif pada ‘gerund (verb-ing)’

Being eaten by other animals is a natural selection (sebagai subjek)
(dimakan oleh binatang lain adalah sebuah proses alam)

My grandma rejected being bought a car (sebagai objek)
(Nenekku menolak dibelikan sebuah mobil)

I was frustated of being defeated last night (objek preposisi ‘of’)
(Saya frustasi dikalahkan tadi malam)

Perhatikan juga bahwa khusus untuk kata kerja ‘need’ dan ‘want’ jika diikuti oleh gerund maka bermakna pasif juga .

Saya ambil contoh di atas :
The wall needs painting = The wall needs to be painted

He wants burning = He wants to be burned

Sekian soBat. Semoga tidak membingungkan penjelasannya. hehe

Rabu, 06 November 2013

Present Perfect Tense dan Contoh Kalimatnya

Present perfect tense merupakan salah satu dari 16 tenses bahasa Inggris yang cukup sering digunakan dalam percakapan sehari – hari (daily conversation) selain simple present tense. Penggunaan bentuk waktu dalam bahasa Inggris mungkin akan terlihat lebih mudah dalam segi teori seperti yang akan saya tulis berikut, namun menurut saya pribadi tidak semudah itu ketika kita mempraktikkannya dalam percakapan sehari – hari atau dalam kegiatan menulis (writing), diperlukan banyak latihan, pemahaman, praktik secara terus menerus dan pembiasaan, dan memang seperti itulah seharusnya proses belajar bahasa Inggris yang tepat.

Tenses ini secara umum menggambarkan suatu kegiatan terjadi atau telah selesai sebelum waktu tertentu atau sebelum kejadian di masa sekarang. Jika digambarkan melalui sketsa gambar seperti berikut :

present perfect tense, present perfect, tenses present perfect tense

Rumus umumnya yaitu :

Bentuk (+) : Subject + have/has + past participle (verb 3)
Bentuk (-) : Subject + have/has + not + participle (verb 3)
Bentuk (?) : have/has + Subject + participle (verb 3)

Catatan : verb atau kata kerja yang digunakan harus bentuk ketiga baik regular atau irregular verb. Bisa dilihat di kamus daftarnya. Penggunaan have dan has bisa anda lihat di linknya yang warna merah. hehe

Dan berikut penjelasan fungsinya :
Present perfect tense menggambarkan suatu kegiatan terjadi atau telah selesai dilakukan sebelum saat sekarang atau saat berbicara. Waktu specific selesainya kegiatan tersebut tidaklah penting entah itu tahun lalu, bulan lalu, mingu kemarin, hari kemarin, sejam yang lalu, atau bahkan semenit yang lalu, yang terpenting pembicara bermaksud bahwa suatu kegiatan atau pekerjaan telah selesai dilakukannya. Contoh kalimatnya seperti berikut ini :

I have finished my college degree (Saya telah lulus S-1)
Dengan tidak menyebutkan keterangan waktu yang spesifik, present perfect tense digunakan untuk menjelaskan bahwa pembicara telah selesai menempuh pendidikan s-1, tidak peduli meskipun mungkin wisudanya sudah 3 tahun yang lalu

Jika menyebutkan waktu spesific maka simple past yang digunakan :

I finished my college degree last month (simple past, menyebutkan waktu spesific/time signal : last month)

Contoh yang lain :
He has just given you a smile (Dia baru saja tersenyum kepadamu)

Present perfect juga mengekspresikan suatu kegiatan yang berulang sebelum saat sekarang . Sekali lagi waktu spesific berulangnya kegiatan tersebut tidak usah dihiraukan, yang penting berulangnya kegiatan itu sebelum waktu sekarang (telah selesai). Biasanya memakai keterangan signal seperti ‘many, many times, so far, menyebutkan jumlah, dll’. Berikut Contoh kalimatnya :

He has had five intervew so far this month (Dia telah menjalani interview 5 kali dalam bulan ini)
Waktu spesific dari setiap intervew tidaklah menjadi persoalan, bisa saja intervew sebanyak 5 kali tersebut terjadi sekaligus pada minggu pertama bulan tersebut. Yang terpenting sejauh ini atau dalam bulan ini dia telah intervew dan berulang sebanyak 5 kali.

Coba bandingkan :
He has had five interview so far this month (present perfect)
The first intervew was in the first day of the month (simple past)

Contoh yang lain :
I have traveled by train many times

Yang ketiga present perfect menggambarkan kegiatan yang dimulai sebelum saat sekarang (masa lampau) dan masih berlanjut hingga sekarang. Biasanya situasi yang satu ini kalimatnya menggunakan preposisi ‘since (sejak)’ dan ‘for (selama)’.
Contoh :
I have been here since eight o’clock (saya telah menunggumu sejak jam 8)
Kegiatan menunggu dimulai pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau dan sampai sekarang masih menunggu.
Contoh yang lain :
He has read for three hours (Dia telah membaca selama 3 jam)
Preposisi ‘for’ mengidentifikasikan durasi atau lamanya membaca yang mulai dilakukan pada waktu lampau dan masih berlanjut membaca sampai sekarang.

Sekian sobat. Jika mau menambahkan atau mengkoreksi silahkan ditulis di comment page !!
Semoga grammar bahasa Inggris kali ini bermanfaat .

Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013

Some Barriers In Learning English Process

belajar bahasa inggris,proses belajar bahasa inggris,tantangan dalam proses belajar bahasa inggris
Have you read my previous articles? The title is QUICK WAY 4 LEARNING ENGLISH, issued on May 2013. It’s better while you read it, first, coz it’s really simple tips. Yeah, we had done it before. Yup, we had to learn English by myself as the consequence we’d worked with expatriates. As you see, they would thought that we could do as the did. Therefore we tried to find any trick and tips to conquer our weakness. If I could do means that you can do it too, though with your own way.

Don’t you realize that English is foreign language, truly different with bahasa. Bahasa means Bahasa Indonesia. My expatriates partner love to say “Bahasa” than Bahasa Indonesia. Their tongue different with us. So, please do not complaint due that case . hehe

OK. Right now we will share about our lacknes/barrier/difficulties in learning English process. I try to clasify in each item as listed below. But if you have another, you can add it. As you wanna do, lah.

Fistly, English as lingus franca and international language. In this case, you have to aware with yours. If you want to learn this language must be known the reason. For instance due homework in you school, course and other reason. Have you learn it coz being suggested by your parents? It’s obligation from your school or anything else. The strong reason for learning English will contribute in our learning process.Why? Eventhough facing a mistakes we still keep on going as we always remind the reason. The cute statement such as – start in the end, always remind me to be better and better.

2.Nobody’s perfect
Usually, we thought that we will learn English with British accent or American style. But, finally all we can do is proving with our own style. Yes, Indonesian style or may be javanese style. There’s no mistakes in it. As we knew, that Singapore people has Singlish and Philipine with Tagalog sense. Luckily, we ever worked with them, thus we’ve got a real sample in practise. But most of us will surender after facing a bad case such as – having bad pronounciation, misperception. Thus, never give up!

If you ever made mistakes in speaking or writing......just laugh it. Why? It’s reduce our guilty feeling. But if we wanna better and better must be followed up with practicing.

3.Finding mistakes
The easiest way to find mistakes – make a clip then review yourself. What kind of mistakes you have made? Yeah, we would feel ashamed or sad while blamed by another , coz our mistakes. But I think we could laugh as we find our mistake by ourselves. Then, we can say....such as......that’s too bad I’m relly really bad in this case or ..... I think I still stupid and so rigid. We could laugh but feeling fun and funny.

4.Finding vocabulary
How to add our vocabulary? There’re many tips such as open dictionary, read and remind vocabulary and so on. But by reminding vocab only – we will face difficulties in how to use it. We have tips such as finding nearly same sound – sound, sun, shine, soon, so on etc. By pronouncing these word one by one, we could clarify the differences an then trying to make sentences consist each that word. It’s realy cool.

This technique has similarity with javanese sound, wanna see : melok, malik, milik, muluk and others. No need to translate it (hehe) and wish you find the meaning.

Another trick. Type the word we want to know the meaning and then block, click the right icon of mouse – then choose thesaurus. Thus we could use word which has similarity meaning concurenty in order not too rigid.

5.Repeat & again to repeat
Experience is good teacher. Even you have understood the tenses, without practise is nonsense. Moreover have no experience in speaking with bule/native speaker/expatriates. We ever read some comment due difficulties in speaking with bule, even my friend who has background in language literature. But I do love never love to say our barrier coz we will good at in finding reason for not doing to do a step in learning process.
After reading this article, please re-charge the reason of learning English.

Artikel ini ditulis oleh sahabat saya, Mr. Mochtar Bungkus.
Maaf saya tidak bisa mentranslate artikel ini seperti kemarin karena alasan hak cipta. Jadi bagi sobat sekalian yang masih sulit membaca dan memahami artikel ini dalam bahasa Inggris, silahkan disiapkan translator disampingnya sekaligus sebagai bahan pembelajaran yang saya kira sangat bermanfaat juga.

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