Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

Cerita Dongeng Bahasa Inggris

cerita bahasa inggris, dongeng bahasa inggris
Cerita bahasa Inggris sama seperti cerita pada umumnya, banyak sekali ragam dan jenisnya, mitos, legenda, dongeng, dsb. Untuk melengkapi referensi di blog ini, admin akan share dongeng bahasa Inggris dari koleksi buku yang admin punya.

Cerita dongeng bahasa Inggris yang ini sudah cukup terkenal yaitu Abu Nawas dan perdana menteri Abeydron dengan judul cerita An Unrespectful Man. Berikut ceritanya, semoga bermanfaat

In rulling the country, King Aaron was helped by several ministers. Minister Abeydron was one of them. One morning the minister went to the palace. He told the king about his dream. “I saw a bad man came to this country. Fortunately, I know that man. He is Abunawas’friend,” said Minister Abeydron.

The King asked Abeydron what to do. He suggested the king to assign Abunawas to arrest the dangerous man. Then, Abunawas was called to the palace. The king told him about Abeydron’s dream.
“Your Majesty, it’s only a dream. I don’t have such a friend,” replied Abunawas.
“Abeydron said that the dream would come true. So, you have to bring your bad friend here. I give you a week.”
Abunawas was quite for a moment. Then he looked up to the king and said, I’ll take your order, your Majesty.”
Three days passed by. Abunawas still did not get any idea of how to bring the bad man.
On the fourth day, he got the news that on the coming Friday, some guests from another country would visit the king. He got dressed and went to Minister Abeydron’s house.
“Have you arrested the bad man ?” asked the minister when Abunawas was at his house.
“It’s easy. I’ve found him. By the way, have you heard that the king would have guests next Friday ?” asked Abunawas.
“Yes, of course. I was invited to welcome the guests there. And you are too. He asked me to tell you,” replied Abeydron.
“Okay, I’ll come. I’m here to tell you a secret.”
“What kind of secret is it ?” asked the minister.
“King Aaron, of course, wants us to be nicely dressed and sweet smelled. If we dress neatly and smell sweet, the guests will appreciate the king. I’ve just got a traditional medicine to make our breath smell sweet. It’s called Cardamom,” Abunawas explained.
“Now give me some !” urged the minister.
“Unfortunately, I do not bring any. I’ll give you at the palace. You don’t have to pay for it,” the smart man assured the minister.
Then, Abunawas went home. He prepared everything : his dress, his shoes and, of course, the cardamom. He brought a small packet of it. The next morning, he went to the palace. When he arrived there, he saw that almost all the ministers had been there, including Abeydron. King Aaron had not been there yet. He took a seat beside Abeydron.
“Here is the medicine,” he whispered to Abeydron.
“We are not allowed to eat or drink anything here,” Abeydron whispered back.
“I know. You see, King Aaron has not come yet. Just put some into your mouth. Chew for a while and spit it out,” Abunawas persuaded him while pretending to chew something. Abeydron took quite a lot of cardamom seeds from Abunawas’ pocket and threw them into his mouth. At the same time, the king appeared. Not long after that, the guests came. The king introduced them to the guests one by one. He asked Minister Ali first to introduce himself, then Minister Farhan, and then others. When it came the turn for Abeydron, he was confused. He still had the cardamom seeds in his mouth. If he spoke, the small seeds would fall down. It was against the rules and very embrassing. Yet, it was too bitter for him to swallow.
“This is Minister Abeydron,” said King Aaron while pointing his hand to him. He gave him a gesture to introduce himself. Abeydron was very confused. He did not dare to open his mouth. The king waited for him to speak. But no words came out.
“What’s wrong with you, Abey ?” asked the king.
Abeydron still did not dare to open his mouth. King Aaron was curious as he saw Abeydron just keep his mouth shut.
“What’s wrong with your mouth ?” again, the king asked minister Abeydron.
Abeydron shook his head. The king repeated his question. Abeydron shook his head again. His eyes looked very much afraid. King Aaron touched his jaw and patted it gently.
“Open it,” he said.
Abeydron opened his mouth. Ten of small seeds fell out from his mouth. Other ministers, Abunawas, the guests and the king himself laughed. But it seemed that Abunawas who laughed the most loudly. Hearing the laughter, the king turned to Abunawas.
“Abu, explain it to me,” the king said.
“Excuse me, your Majesty. This is the bad man Abeydron saw in his dream. He does not answer your question. He does not show his respects to you eventhough in front of the guests. And he is one of my friends,” explained Abunawas smilingly.
The king knew that Abeydron fell into his own trap.

15 komentar:

wah...baru kali ini saya baca dongeng abunawas versi inggris......klw versi arab sering mas :D

ha3x....curiosity such an addict thing, coz we have to search "cardamom" by thesaurus in ms word, then, check it out in detail by mbah google.....indian plant

I find it...I know it....(om, wit'e sebangsane lengkuas he2x)

wanna laugh more.......see Nasreddin's Funniest Stories, published Kaifa....

haduh,butuh google translate ini,(sambil garuk-garuk kepala)" ;)

ada beberapa kalimat yang kurang paham mas hehe maklum english nya terbatas hihi

@ Mochtar (ha3x) Cardamom means 'Kapulaga' in Bahasa. Then, check it out again in your thesaurus what Kapulaga is, ginger, onion, or garlic ? (he3x)

I already have it, Nasarudin..eitc...Nasreddin the foolish man. But not published by Kaifa..

sebenernya baca-baca cerita kaya gini bikin kemampuan berbahasa inggrisnya cepet meningkat yah mas bro, makasih udah share sangat bermanfaat nih artikelnya :)

I know the smell of it, lha dalah tiba'e iku tho. So so different pics in mbah google........
It's familiar found it in Salatiga market, it's seasoning for savory food stuff and appetizing.
Coz reading your article, then I look for my collection, he3x

cerita yg bagus sobat....i like it..

Nice Dongeng... jadi mau ketiduran bacanya...hehehe

Toko Baju Online

Dulu ketika masih kanak2 sy selalu dicertakan dongeng "abu nawas" IBU menjelang tidur.

Nice post Kang. Jadi ingat memori dulu...

wah seneng baca cerita dongeng tpi kalu bhsa english model gini siapin kamus dulu ah

wah..siap google translate nih..:D keren...

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