Pengandaian bahasa Inggris bentuk ketiga ini merupkan kelanjutan dari artikel yang kemarin yang berjudul Pengandaian atau Conditional Sentence dalam Belajar Bahasa Inggris. Pengandaian ini disebut past conditional (conditional type 3) setelah kemarin ada future conditional (conditional type 1) dan present conditional (conditional type 2).
Hampir sama dengan present conditional dimana menghayal atau melamunnya ditujukan pada saat sekarang, dalam past conditonal menghayal atau melamunnya ditujukan untuk saat yang telah lalu (lampau). Jadi kondisi yang sebenarnya pada masa itu (lampau) tidak sesuai atau bertentangan dengan kondisi pada kalimat pengandaiannya. Semoga bisa dipahami ya sampai sini ....hehe
Jadi jika dalam present conditional kalimat pengandaian yang ada menggunakan tenses simple past, dalam past conditional menggunakan past prefect. Ingat kan rumusnya ??
Contoh :
If I had known you loved me, I would have married you (Seandainya aku tahu dulu kamu mencintaiku, aku pastinya telah menikahimu). Tet ..toot ......Adminnya pingin nikah nie .... :D
Kondisi sebenarnya masa itu (fact sentence) :
I didn’t know you loved me, so I didn’t marry you (Sayangnya dulu atau waktu itu aku tidak tahu kalau kamu mencintaiku, jadi aku sekarang punya yang baru). hah
Jadi jika dalam present conditional fact sentence harus berbentuk simple present, maka dalam past conditional fact sentence harus berbetuk past. Otomatis gambar di atas berubah jadi begini soB :
Catatan :
‘been’ digunakan jika kalimatnya nominal (tidak mengandung kata kerja operasional). Untuk lebih jelasnya lihat posting berjudul Pentingnya Memahami Kalimat Nominal dan Verbal dalam Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Kalau pada conditional type 2 bisa dipersingkat dengan menghilangkan kata if, maka pada pengandaian bahasa Inggris bentuk ketiga ini juga sama.
If he had not been injured, he could have been the winner = had he not been injured, he could have been the winner
(Seandainya dia tidak cedera, dia sebenarnya bisa menjadi juara)
Fact sentencenya :
He was injured, so he wasn’t the winner (Dia waktu itu cedera, jadi dia bukan juaranya)
*Could + have + V3/been menyatakan sesuatu yang sebenarnya bisa terjadi di waktu lampau
Sekian soBat, semoga bermanfaat dan mudah dipahami tentunya. Amin
27 komentar:
Ternyata rumusnya juga berlaku utk pengandaian Bhs Inggris bentuk ketiga. Dan ada kaitannya dengan nikah.....
Keren juga postingannya meskipun artikel ini curhatan hati pak guru yg pingin cepet2 nikah. hahahaah
...suddenly remind...someone like you by adele....,coz the sample first
the nice one is the refrain...
pastinya sangat berguna sekali ya mas Hendrik..penjelasan dan ulasannya di atas
matur suwun :)
Ikutan nyimak aja mas, soale ga mudeng babar blas saya...
@ Mochtar The last word is full of interpretation. I do believe all I have now is the best for me and for her, so much beautiful memories. (ha3x)
Btw, how is your life, Mr. Mochtar ? really miss your pimple..loh
@ Budi OS Semoga saja begitu Mas. Amin
wah coba saya bisa bahasa inggris, pasti saya jawab komentar mas hendrik pakai bahasa inggris juga, hhhihi
Artikel pengajaran yang bagus mas Hendrik, simple dan mudah dimengerti...Makasih banyak :)
Ha3x...should I use javanese poem "teklek cemplung kalen" (?). Actually, learning process by singing/listening a song truly different with usual pattern in school, coz our sense, our feeling could be taken a part in it. This is it, what I like!! Our passion could be an effort, though it needs our patience, of course. It's a process normally.
I can't stand laughing coz you miss something from me. As you see, even my blogger friend writes to me - good in stealing idea (!) ha3x... I don't mind with that as we love to claim to the novel author too, such as due bad editing, false character name, bad printed but we share to them the impact after finished reading the novel in my mind and imagination. We wanna do as we love to and become addicted to buy those stuff. Unluckily, all novel due wayang.
Matur nuwun nggih, ning langkung sae mboten sisah ngagem Mr., lha kalih expatriates mawon pun kadung biasa Pak,je. Make it mixed, pals.
@ Mochtar Btw, what are you talking about 'Teklek' ? I don't really be familiar with, truly...though I am javanese.(ha3x). It would be really nice work if I grabbed bunch of bucks coming from my passion (waah conditional sentence nie..xixi). That could be one of my idea lately though a hard work coming over.
It seems you are addicted reading anything in front of you. I just imagine a boy with a big glasses stuck on his eyes going to the market.Loh
Btw, you have ever written 'CIKGU'. If i am not mistaken it was Malaysian language. Are you ? hehe
@ activitydimas Dicoba saja Mas, saya juga mencoba nie. hehe
Hi, pals. It's close to fasting month, isn't it. "Teklek" usually being used by people to mosque like slipper, it's made by wooden and rubber for our feet. But, the main point is the statement after that sentence and impolite enough whether we put it here.
I'm just involved if there's a niche which is nice to be joined and giving another perspectives. Coz, we just learning in the street.
Absolutely right, that's cikgu has same meaning with teacher, such like you, the smart one in giving enthusiasm in learning English. Thus, we love to write comments here as one of my media to practice it. Ups, we try to absorb our working partner style as my own. And, it's nothing to loose, as every thing gonna be alright, shiok lah...
Ouww...Sandal kecemplung kalenan...Anut ilene banyu...It's truly different with 'Teklek cemplung bak mandi', not much we can do..(ha3x).
Learning in the street or walking around, pals ? hehe.
Yes, indeed. I've found you leaving your ink around the page in many blogs out there, not really often but sometimes.
(ha3x) the smart one ? I don't think so. I just rewrite what I've got and read, just like what you said that good in stealing ideas. That's me. I do like stealing your style in learning English. hehe
keren banget dialog komen bahasa inggrisnya mas hendrik, gini nih kalau orang pinter bahasa inggris, hebat dan membanggakan.
asyik,,,akhirnya saya menemukan blog yang bisa membantu saya untuk belajar bahasa Inggris :-)
Ha3x... need to open up java term "pasemon, paribasan" for fixed meaning. Cos still biased.......
Ups you've gotta find my tracks in another blog(?). We love to write for giving another point of view or perspectives which is promised, as we'd done it, and proved by my experience. ha3x.... I just thinking that some contrary response in case, never being met and worked with expats. Thus, we wanna share with someone who really interested this tips and tricks.
Learning process not only keep it as our own but should be explored, exploited and exposed in order we could make a red line. ha3x... I've got it from Hernowo Mizan. By writing some comments here, it means we've practiced quantum writing.
Nuwun sewu, pamit rumiyin, lha sansaya ngebak-ngebak'i wae...
selamat malam mas hendrik
mampir lagi sambil mohon di bukakan pintu mav dari khilaf dan salah selama ini...
marhaban ya ramadhan :)
i didn't know you loved me,so sekarang aku jomblo kang
Bagus banget nih mas bro postingannya banyak ilmu yang bisa saya dapatkan di sini, makasih udah berbagi :)
keren banget pak guru
Post menarik tentang pengandaian, pak. Teima kasih.
belajar lagi,,mari belajar
Ada yang baru lagi nih... promosi jualan sekaligus belajar bhs inggris disini.. hehe
Baju Murah
Belajar bahasa Inggris dulu di sini :)
walking aja di si ini no what what
If I have handsome face may be I won't single like this #LoL
itu juga kalimat pengandain kan om?
koreksi ya kalau ada salah :D
It's my pleasure to visit you, have a great wednesday :-)
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